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To ensure that there is interest and competitiveness throughout the whole grid, the BMZRC runs various Championships and Trophy Challenges.


The overall championship, counting points from every round, which determines the best performing MZ racer of the season. See below for details of points awarded.

BMZRC Novice Trophy Challenge
For riders who have competed in no more than 3 road race meetings* in the last ten years or by discretion of the majority of riders. The Novice Trophy is scored separately with the first novice home scoring the equivalent winners points irrespective of where they finished overall in the race. This point scoring arrangement is applied to the first 15 novices over the line. The points scored will only count for the Novice Trophy and not for any other Trophy Challenge. * In MZ racing or a similar discipline.

Open to any competitor who has never finished a season in the top ten or finished on the podium in any race*. Not open to any rider in their novice season. Scored separately. All championship rounds to count. Nominations for this Championship are taken on trust and any false declarations are covered by the BMCRC Sporting Rules. * In MZ racing or a similar discipline.

BMZRC Team Trophy Challenge
Two riders team up and their Championship scores are added together for the Team Trophy. A maximum of one rider in each team may have finished in the top ten of the previous season’s main MZ Championship. Points are calculated as follows:

  • Team points will reflect the points scored in the main championship by each rider; however,
  • Where teams have a rider that has finished in the top ten of the previous season, that rider’s points will be halved.
  • The second member of the team will have their points doubled.
  • Where teams do not have a rider that has finished in the top ten of the previous season, the team must elect a rider to receive half points. The selection cannot be changed once decided.

In the case where team points are tied, the following can be used to define table position: The team that has the most even split (percentage) of points provided by each rider in the team will be placed higher.

If the above provides no separation, then the team who has accrued the most points in the last 3 rounds of the season (following the rules set out above) will be placed higher.

This is contested by our female competitors – of which there are always too few!

BMZRC Under 21 Trophy – The Phoebe Stockford Trophy
Open to all MZ riders who are aged 21 or under on the day of the 1st meeting of the season. All championship rounds will count

BMZRC Senior Trophy Challenge
Contested by our more mature riders, who must be 40 or over on or before the first meeting of the season.

Mave Higgins Over 50’s Trophy
For people who make noises every time they get up, having failing eyesight and can show a clean pair of heals to most of the whipper snappers in paddock!
This trophy is named after the late, great, Mave Higgins – wife of Dave Higgins #19. This trophy was kindly provided by Martin and Ann Baldwin of Burwin Motorcycles.

BMZRC Binner Trophy Challenge
This has become a prestigious trophy and is open to any MZ racer! It is awarded by general consensus, based on quantityquality  and style.

BMZRC Tuner Trophy Challenge
This is open to the tuners – tuners to nominate a maximum of 5 riders with the top 4 scorers championship points at each meeting to count. All championship rounds to count.

Rider of the Meeting Award
A discretionary trophy awarded for; significant improvement, conduct on and off track, general enthusiasm etc, etc. See the list of recipients.

King of the Zeds
This trophy is competed for at the penultimate meeting of each season. The King of the Zeds is run on Saturday, the winner being the most combined points total over 2 legs. In the event of a tie on points, the rider with the fastest lap in the 2 legs wins the title.

Terry Law – Spirit of MZ Trophy
The Riders’ Rider trophy. Find out more about Terry and the trophy.

Gavin Sherwood Trophy
At least one race each season is also held in memory  of former MZedder, Gavin Sherwood. There is also a seperate trophy awarded for outstanding achievement on or off the track. Both riders and non riders are eligible. Find out more about Gavin and the trophy.

Points scoring
Except for the team championship, which has its own regulations: in the event of a tie in the number of points, the final positions will be decided on the basis of the number of best results (number of first places, number of second places, etc.). In the event that there is still a tie then, the date in the Championship at which the highest place was achieved will be taken into account-with precedence going to the latest result.

Points are awarded from 1st to 15th places as follows:

Place Points
1 25
2 20
3 16
4 13
5 11
6 10
7 9
8 8
9 7
10 6
11 5
12 4
13 3
14 2
15 1
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